February 28, 2008

Another good day!! Mark was supposed to have an MRI of his right knee today, but it was unceremoniously cancelled by the MRI department without telling anyone, so he sat around all morning in a hospital gown with no where to go.

They had cut off his casts to do the MRI so that led to an exam by the orthopedic surgeon and a determination that they will take him to the OR to anesthetize him and maneuver the leg in a better position if they can and if it is locked, they will schedule surgery to correct the problem. The MRI will be scheduled for tomorrow (?????) and we'll take it from there.

He did have physical therapy this afternoon and they had him laying on his stomach which is almost as huge a step as standing. He did very well and was able to stretch is legs down quite well. Although he was tired after that, he remained up in his wheelchair so he could have dinner himself. He sat and read Backpacker magazine. I offered to teach him to knit, but he wasn't buying. After dinner he wanted to remain in his chair, so we gave him the call button, the TV remote, his water cup in his cup holder, and an issue of Italian Cooking and Living magazine (the only other magazine I had) and he was set for a while longer. This was very encouraging since he usually wants to get back to bed after dinner. I kissed him good night and went off to get my own dinner leaving him happy!

1 comment:

Irene said...

What a great day for you both .
Mark's reading matter is certainly diverse ....I can only hope this helps in the kitchen and food preparation for the future .Maybe less frantic calls home to mum for clarification of recipes?(so I am told).
Save the knitting lessons for someone else who I know is keener to learn .x