Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Another good day. We had a visit from Mark's great aunt and uncle from North Carolina who are vacationing near here. It was wonderful. Our aunt is a retired occupational therapist so she was extremely interested in all the new innovations. We even were able to play air hockey with him for a while.

His physical therapy was quite intense with him standing at a special table for 15 minutes. His new pain medication has been very helpful and he is in so much less pain for longer periods of time. His right knee is still posing a problem and they are going to do tests to determine if it has locked up. If this has happened all the serial casting in the world won't help and it will require surgery. Hopefully, this is not the case, but they are not sure.

To close on a fun note, his nurse was writing up a report and she gave Mark an index card and told him he had to write something positive on it and give it back to her. He took the card and the pen, wrote on the card, and handed it back to her. In his usual smart-ass manner, it said:

"Something positive!"

1 comment:

Sandy Berry said...

We love to read the blog! Today's post had us laughing...Drew said, "That some typical Mark sh*t. Awesome!" Keep giving to them Mark! Drew and Sandy