Thursday, October 1, 2009

After 22 months of hospitalization, Mark is in his own apartment again. It has been wonderful today. We spent the first night in the new apartment last night, and today the new furniture he needed to fill in the gaps from what came from storage arrived. He was especially happy with the "kick ass recliner" and parked his butt in it and hardly moved all afternoon.

He did help me set up the bedroom television and then guided Jess and I in trying to add the DVD player to the giant set in the living room. However, we were not as successful with that and have to do a little more research into the correct type of cable we need to connect the television with the Blu-Ray DVD. Jess and I were glad we didn't have anyone watching as we tried (successfully) to move this 42" monster and thread cords through a hole in the shelf it's on, then try and hook up various cords to the back of the set. We were quite the team with Mark giving us some instruction from the sidelines. (Ever the delegator!)

It was fun to fix breakfast, lunch and dinner in the new kitchen and eating dinner on the new dining table. We have most of the boxes unpacked and Jess and I should be finished putting everything away tomorrow. The apartment handyman came to change the shower head today and hang the grab bars in the bathroom. The management here is very nice and have been very helpful. Mark and Jess's next door neighbor is another military wife who lived with us at the Fisher House for nearly a year and moved to this complex about a month ago. It was nice to know she is next door. There is another wife moving in about the middle of the month and Mark's military liaison sergeant also lives in the complex. He's offered to spend Sundays watching football with Mark so Jess can go off on her own and do "girlie" things. He's a great guy and Mark likes him very much.

We'll keep you posted as things progress.

1 comment:

Amy Koblos said...

Looking back to those first few months, and Marks prognosis then.....and looking at how he is doing now, it has restored my faith in our ability to recover and heal with the right prayer and vigilance. I would like to request some information from you for a friend of mine if you can email me @ Their friend was involved in a serious helicopter crash about 2 weeks ago and he's finally made it to Walter Reed. I know that you received alot of support while you were there holding vigil over Mark. I would like to see if I can get some contact info from you of people that were of great benefit. I'd like to see about passing that on to this Soldiers wife. Thanks in advance and God Bless! I am so proud of Mark, he has proven to be a true Warrior! :)