Sunday, November 22, 2009

Things have been going rather normally...which is wonderful. Mark and Rich are both going to therapy in Tampa and we are settling in a bit. Mark goes to the hospital three days a week and for a couple of hours on Mondays. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, he leaves early, packs a lunch and is off to "work". His therapies usually last until about three in the afternoon. Friday is a day off, so we have a nice three day weekend.

Rich has been doing his shoulder therapy at a location just down the street from the hospital and that makes it very convenient. In our off time, we have been exploring the area and finding new routes to our favorite spots. Today we drove over to visit my aunt for lunch and spent the afternoon just hanging out with her. It was fun and we hadn't seen her in a while. Naturallly, she had to introduce Mark to a number of her friends who knew all about him, and had them in their prayers. I must admit, they were all rather cute with him and he's always so good around older people.

Thursday we are having Thanksgiving at my cousin's daughter's home. Alison and Mark have become close since he's been here. She and her husband are always so happy to have lots of family around and we're looking forward to it. Mark is in charge of bringing the pumpkin pie and is planning on a cooking session here on Wednesday with his occupational therapist. We'll let you know how it turns out, but I can assure you that Mark will eat it regardless!!

1 comment:

Irene said...

Sounds like everything is running smoothly....keep working on those cooking skills !! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.x