Sunday, November 8, 2007

Today marks the second anniversary of the crash of UH-60L 88-26025. We ask that you take a moment to remember CPT Christian Skoglund, CW2 Davidangelo Alvarez, CPT Cartize Durham,
SRA Kenneth Hauprich, SSG Robert Rodgers and SSG Mark Spence and to pray for their families.

Mark was among the lucky to have survived. He has battled back to gain strength and independence once again. It has been a very long road and his journey will never truly be over. His life changed forever that day, as did all of ours. However, we are blessed to have him here and we appreciate each day God grants us much more so than before.

Over the last twenty-four months, many people have asked me "How did you do it?" I don't have an answer. You just "do it" whatever "it" may be. However, I think it is important to realize that through our journey we have met so many more families going through the same thing. Some of their situations are far more critical than even ours and the outcomes have not been as good.

Please remember these families today too, because although their sons and daughters survived their crashes, blasts, and attacks, they have lost their lives, as they knew them, for this country. And the fates of their families will never be the same. They will continue to care for and love their soldiers and sailors and do everything possible to bring them back. They never ask "how"; they just "do".

Bless you all for listening.


Anonymous said...

It seems like it was years ago and on the other hand some of my memories from that day are as fresh as if it was yesterday. Mark you and your family along with everyone from the crash are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. Mark it was really great to chat with you the other night on facebook, you are an inspiration to us all. Rich and Ann I don't know how you found the strength to make it through those first few days and weeks, I hope i am never in that situation, but if I am I hope I can be half as strong as you guys were, are...


Irene said...

Yes its been an amazing journey for everyone....we are proud of you all xx