Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas to all!!

Sorry that it has been a while since our last update, but as things become routine, there is less to write about. We had a very enjoyable stay with Mark in Tampa. We enjoyed shopping, a couple of movies, dinner out with friends and family, and a visit from my brother.

I must say, it was hard to get into the "Christmas spirit" with temperatures in the 70s, despite the decorations. (Although, I did fall in love with lighted palm trees....they really look cool!) So now we are back in Strongsville and we have already had our fill of winter, even though it is very mild for northern Ohio standards. Jess arrived late last night from Sydney and has just started to come out of the jet lag semi-coma. We went and did some final Christmas shopping and a stop at Starbucks helped tremendously.

We are looking forward to enjoying Christmas Eve and Day with Peter, Christy and Rich's Aunt Gene, and then later in the week with various friends.

Our wish to all of you is a very happy and blessed Christmas and New Year!

1 comment:

Irene said...

Glad to hear EVERYONE is there to celebrate the Festive season....wish we were there too....sending lots of Happy wishes from OZ xx