Thursday, December 27, 2007

Today was interesting to say the least. When we got to the hospital this morning, he had removed the naso/gastric tube again. Since they had the swallow study scheduled for the afternoon they left it out. After the last incident, they repositioned the restraint so he couldn't unclip it. Not to be outsmarted by the doctors and nurses, he managed to scoot himself down in the bed until he could reach the tube with his restrained hand and pulled it out. I can only say that it may be best for the nurses that he currently cannot move the other hand. He was much happier without the tube as you can imagine.

As for the swallow test, he passed with an A+ and extra credit points, according to the tech. So they brought him a dish of ice cream which was very happily received. He eventually got a dinner tray with pureed food, and it was less than appetizing as you might imagine. He didn't like much of any of it, but did manage to eat some mashed potatoes and pudding. When we gave him some chicken, he spit it out and asked if we were trying to kill him. He did eat more ice cream and that seemed a good end to a bad meal. When he said he'd had enough, we told him the mashed potatoes weren't so bad and he had done pretty well eating them. His reply was "Yeah, considering the rest."

He did have physical therapy and was up in a wheelchair (with us pushing) for about two hours, which was a record. He finally asked to go back to his room because his butt hurt. He hadn't sat up that long in all these weeks. It's been seven weeks today since the accident. He has come a long way, but has miles to go. We think if he keeps trying as hard as he has the last week, there will be a wonderful outcome.


Anonymous said...

Hey Mark, Great news keep up the great job we know you can do it, dont giver Mom a hard time they are trying to get you better I know your frustrated, just think about a new pipe tune you had to learn you take it one note at a time, so do the same with your workouts and eating. Bye for now Colleen- Red Hackle Pipeband

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark. Some things just never change. I am not the least bit surprised you are removing those tubes. Congratulations on finally convincing everyone you no longer need them. Remember, those mash potatoes will turn into steak if you let the body catch up. Lay back and keep that ice cream coming. I am praying for your recovery each day! Looking for more encouraging reports....Mrs. Pusti

Anonymous said...

Stay hard headed and get better, we all still pray for you here in Aviano. Drew

tonie said...

Hi Mark and family,
Through family and friends we were told about your situation. We are so happy to hear about your improvement. You are always in our prayer; keep up the good word.

Anonymous said...

Great News on Mark. Passing the barium swallow test is huge. Prayers are behind you all.

The Petersens
St Matthews

Anonymous said...

Dear Mark,
I don't know if you remember your current issues teacher, but I have been reading about your recovery and am so glad that you are doing so much better. I have put your name on the All Saints'(Parma) prayer list and will keep it there until you are home. I had hip surgery 4 years ago and know what you are experiencing...especially the sitting issues! Get Well Soon,
Deborah Wakefield, Strongsville High School