Friday, January 4, 2008

Mark continued to make progress again today. He had physical therapy where they had him sitting up without the wheelchair and just the support of the therapist. He did exercises to improve holding up his head and back. They then put him on the tilt table and had him hold the parallel bars at a 70 degree tilt. He did well for 9-1/2 minutes, backed off to 30 degrees for a rest, and then back up to 70 degrees for an extra few minutes. He was absolutely exhausted and in quite a bit of pain after, but he did it. When we asked him if it was good to have done it despite the pain, he said yes, but wasn't too convincing. Needless to say, he had medication and slept a good part of the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, one of those naps was during a visit from Gen. Colin Powell. He stopped by to visit the patients, and looked in and saw Mark was asleep. He shook my hand instead and asked about him. Quite the distinguished gentleman. He was very nice to the nurses and a group of Army practical nursing students who were on the floor today. When Mark woke from his nap and I told him who he had missed, he was actually disappointed.

We will just have to see what tomorrow brings!


Anonymous said...

Mark, I'm so proud of you. All of us are. Keep it up and don't give up, its not the Commanche way. We're all pulling for you, and extremely proud to hear such great updates. :) God bless and I hope this new year brings great blessing for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Dude thats awesome that things are coming along so quickly. I wish I could have seen you when you were awake. I did come and visit while you were in the hospital in Italy but it was just a couple days after the accident. We are continuing to pray for you and you r family here and one of these days we are going to have to get to the golf course and act like we can actually play! haha. Im gonna keep in touch and I wish you good luck with everything. see ya later.