Monday, January 28, 2008

Whew! We had an extremely full day today. It started with a bone scan after breakfast. Next was a cast change. They did the final one today, will remove it tomorrow and turn it into a splint to be worn at night. He then had lunch of mac and cheese, and on to PT. The prosthetics department fitted him for a special leg brace for his right leg to be worn when he is in a wheelchair. It is a range of motion leg brace which can be adjusted to move his knee various degrees. He still has to wear his immobilizers three hours a day, and that is getting better. He was in less pain today overall, but the second time they were put on, he was able to tolerate them better and longer. Progress!! He had the second part of the scan this afternoon and then this evening after dinner, he had his back and pelvis X-rays. He never even had time for a snooze today. Although we did get in our reading. He talked with his dad and brother on the phone and each got a different version of his day. He told Peter he had surgery on his legs to figure out why they were stiff and he told Rich he had played golf--naturally, both were rather tall tales!

We had a couple of special things happen though. Mark has not been at all animated in speech or facial expressions and this is common. It takes the brain a while to bring back that function. Yesterday, he said something funny in the monotone voice he has right now, and when I laughed he looked at me and smiled spontaneously. It was something I had been waiting for all these weeks. It wasn't a big smile, but a "natural" one nevertheless. Then today, on our way back from radiology, the unit orderly was teasing him about getting his left hand working again. He told Mark he plays against all the guys in Playstation and he takes no mercy. He always wins, and it would be an embarrassment for him if he had to beat Mark if he only used one hand. Mark looked at him and laughed. Again, not a big laugh, but a laugh! Travis and I hooted and hollered when he did it and he laughed again. Even the orderlies know what a big step these little things are, and they are delighted when each patient achieves one.

Overall, again a nine day without a doubt!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mark! I'm so excited to hear your making such great progress. The smallest of things to some are giant leaps for folks with TBI' you're amazing in my eyes right now. I'm so proud of you, you're making all of us from 3/4 very proud! :) God bless and I hope to see you soon. Chris and I are in Alabama right now, and hoping we are able to take a pass for Presidents day to go visit you. We will be sure to let you know on our status :) God bless and keep it up man, we know you can't help but exceed everyone's expectations! :)

Ann, you can email me
@ with info concerning Mark's location and visiting hours, if we are permitted to visit :) God bless you and your strength through all this!