Sunday, January 20, 2008

According to Mark, today was only a five, but I think he was too hard on himself. I would certainly rate it at least a six, but more like a seven. It wasn't as good as yesterday, but he was in a little more pain today and had more agitation.

He didn't like his lunch, so I brought him some Italian soup I had made for our "Sunday family dinner" here at the house. I had made it to share and knew it would be something he would like. It made a hit, but not nearly as big an impression as the homemade peach cobbler one of the other women made. Miss Rosie's cobbler was rated "delicious" while my soup was just a "very good". We were happy to see him enjoy it all.

The "Sunday Dinner" started a couple of weeks ago, when we got together and cooked a very large donated ham. Everyone contributed and we put together a dinner from "house" food and individual contributions. It breaks up the week and the husbands and sons who can travel over to the Fisher House, join us. Those that can't get their dinners taken to them and we even use the food processor to include those, like Mark, who can't eat solid food yet. We all feel productive and that's a plus for us as well.

He has had a number of the nurses doing the one to one at the hospital sign up for his care specifically. There are several whom he is very fond of and vice versa. It is so comforting to see how much these people care about him and enjoy him, even when he is being obstinate. They are, without a doubt, a special group of people and we are lucky to have them helping us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark.
Mrs. Pusti here. I am delighted to hear there is continuing progress. There are alot of people here at SHS thinking of you. Keep those "9" days coming Mark.....I look forward to seeing you walk through my classroom door again. Seems like it will be a while but I'll be patient if you are. Work hard. I think of you often and carry the angel each day!