Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Well, I have heard that the "scale" of one to ten has been beneficial to some of the readers of this blog. So I have to say that today was definitely an 8. Mark was sleepy this morning due to medication he was given before an echo cardiogram. But when he finally woke up, he was not restless and irritable. He had slept through his evaluation to progress to less pureed food, so I think he was sorry about that, but of course, soon forgot that they were even going to do that.

He did have his left arm put in a serial cast. It will be removed Friday and his arm will be lowered some and then recasted. They will then take that one off on Tuesday. They will then give him his new brace which can be adjusted to flex his arm. He has also been fitted for his knee braces which work the same way. He will wear those about two hours a day. His legs were much more flexible today and he was able to keep them straight for long periods of time. Hopefully, the new medications are working to allow him to tolerate the discomfort and pain. He was cleared today to get out of bed and back into a wheelchair.

He has trouble remembering the names of the therapists (there are quite a few) and so they go over their names every day. He is getting better at their names and those of the nurses. However, his nursing aide tonight was a nice man named, Enrique, and as soon as he walked in Mark called him by name. For what ever reason he remembered Enrique and asked about Jose, the other male aide who he likes a lot. Nothing like male bonding at it's best.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mark and family!
So happy to see that "8" and it sounds as though you are in good hands. I am happy to hear that Mark is doing well and in his wheel chair again. Soon he will be able to wheel outside for some sun shine. I am praying for Marks continued progress. Joanne Pusti

Sandy Berry said...

Hello Everyone! I have to say that Drew and I are addicted to your blog. We check everyday and are blessed by what we read here! We are cheering here in Italy for Mark! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!We are so proud of you. Of course, Drew says he expects nothing less from you! Guess you made quite the impression on him. Keep it up! God bless you and your family. Kiss your momma, she is an awesome woman!
Sandy Berry