Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

It was a hard day for Mark and he was still in quite a bit of pain. Then he had his legs recasted again. They are on permanently for the next several days and will be taken off and redone on Tuesday, then again next Friday, and probably again on the following Tuesday. It takes quite a bit longer for the legs than it did for the arm. He was not happy about it but does understand why it needs to be done although he then tries to put himself into a curled position. He fights the casts and that only makes things worse. They are still trying to get the pain medication just right, so hopefully, between that and the medication for the spasticity, he will settle down and be more comfortable soon.

Since I won't be here for a few days, it made me even sadder to see him so uncomfortable. I know he is in good hands and that this has to be done or he will spend his life in a nursing home which no one wants. He has to go through this to be able to walk again. Please pray for the pain to be gone so he can continue with the therapy. It is the most important thing right now. His mind is functioning very well and his shortcomings, like short-term memory and attention, are improving every day. However, they, too, suffer when he is in pain. Again I am asking for your help.

Thank you with all my heart.

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