Sunday, March 2, 2008

We definitely had a 9+ day today! Mark was up in his chair bright and early this morning and outside by 10:30 a.m. It was a beautiful day today because the weather was perfect. We sat and watched the building next door go up and were fascinated that they could do this in such a short time.

After lunch, we sat and read the paper and my family came for a visit. We headed back outside and enjoyed the day and the construction again. My cousins were amazed at Mark's progress over the last few weeks. He now doesn't just answer questions, but participates in the conversation much more. He was even smiling and laughing a little bit. It was very enjoyable.

When we went back to his room, he and Rich watched golf and he enjoyed cake and milk as well as fresh picked strawberries brought in by one of the nurses. Then it was dinner and when he was done, we were ready to eat. We left him still sitting in his chair watching the golf tournament. He had not asked for pain medication the entire day. It was wonderful.

The orthopedic surgeon came by and said he hoped everything was set for the MRI tomorrow and so are we. Hopefully, it will happen and there won't be an extra-ordinary amount of pain afterward. Please keep those prayers coming his way!


Irene said...

What a fantastic day for all of you to share .We are thrilled and may it continue .
We are sending lots of positive vibes for the MRI to go smoothly .
Love Irene and Wayne

Anonymous said...

We all hope that you continue to heal. Know that as we go to sleep tonight we will once again pray for you that God might continue to heal you in body, mind, and soul. Feel better soon.

Best wishes

Audrey, Eleanor, and Alan James

Alison Osteen said...

What a difference a month makes! I visited Mark in early February and then again in early March. It was nice to hear him speaking a little bit more and seeing a smile. He is certainly a strong man to deal with all of this and still keep a smile on his face. Keep up the hard work. I can't wait to see you walking. It's only a matter of time.
Cousin Alison