Sunday, June 1, 2008

It's hard to believe June started today. Whew!! Time flies when you're having fun . . . and even when you aren't exactly!

Rich left this morning and we hated to see him go, but we had a wonderful week. He was amazed at the progress Mark has made in a little more than a month since his last visit. He now uses his small, sleek wheelchair and has been propelling himself better each day. He still doesn't get very far, very fast, but he can maneuver small areas and usually get himself out of trouble when he gets stuck. His pool therapy has been increased a day, since they have added Saturdays to the routine. He loved that idea and was ready and eager yesterday.

We had a quiet day today with church and a wonderful visit with two friends from St. Matthew's back home. It was great to see them and spend the morning visiting. The Rec Therapy department served a picnic lunch for everyone at the Fisher House patio, but we quickly moved inside when a thunderstorm rolled in. Unfortunately, the rain everyone was hoping for didn't exactly materialize more than a spritz. However, the house dining room was far cooler and better for the guys. Their brain injuries cause them not to regulate their temperatures as well as before and they are usually very warm anyway. It was fun just hanging around with some of the other patients. It is good to see those that can, sit and chat and include the ones who cannot. Today we saw one of the fellas in an emerging state try very hard to speak. I think it won't be long before that happens and it would be wonderful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Mark.
Hey with June comes finals and the end of the school year!! Can you imagine me doing the happy on second thought, don't do that!
I sat through the MARATHON graduation Sunday for 600+ and it lasted nearly 3 hours! I have to stop raising my hand for these things. While at Commencement I ran into an old friend, Barb Zimmerman and she was saying that she follows the blog, as well. It was good seeing her. We both agreed this blog is a great thing.
Glad to always hear about the continued progress. Makes my day...and I do read this thing daily! I am hoping to see you make an appearance again at the computer and, of course, pictures are great....we all like to see that smile.
Have a wonderful week. Continued success with all the therapy! Hang onto those noodles and keep kicking!!!! Always thinking about you and Mom..stay strong!