The last few days have been pretty full . . . but aren't they all!? On Tuesday, Mark and his roommate went bowling for their afternoon therapy. Both have an issue with some left side weakness/deficit and they concentrated on having them use their left arms for a good part of the time. Despite the fact that it was therapy, they had a great time. Jess and I took advantage of the fact that he had his usual stuff in the morning and bowling all afternoon and drove ourselves to an outlet mall for a little retail therapy of our own. We, too, had fun!
Yesterday Mark was still quite tired from the day before and was a bit cranky. For those of you who know and love Mark from before his accident would have loved it! He was much more like the old Mark who could be quite crotchety when he wanted. He did make it through the day without it really getting in the way, but he grumbled his way through all of the day's activities. Ya gotta love him! Frankly, I think he was certainly entitled and overdue for a crabby day. He's really earned one.
Today brought a much better mood. The Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation was here at
the hospital to explain their program of assistance to the injured military. Mark was asked to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before the luncheon. He did a wonderful job. Then we had a great meal and it was off to the pool. He did wonderfully and was even swimming forward on his stomach and standing. From there we went to PT where he used the standing frame as you can see from the photo. He was able to stand for about 25 minutes which was his all time best. He did have pain in his right leg, but managed to get through it well. He has been propelling his wheelchair much more and now only has to wear his wrist cast at night. Tonight we all played Wii or Playstation or one of those things and had a lot of laughs with the other patients and therapists.

So pleased to read about your continued improvement. Really enjoyed visiting with you last month. Keep up the good work!
Ted & Marilyn Neale
Thankyou Ann for putting up such a wonderful new photo...he has a look of "who is the clever one?"....and it IS certainly him !!!
Well done to you Mark.
Very happy to hear that retail therapy is still doing its trick for the gals !!
Mark and Ann,
We are always so happy to hear about your adventures. Mark, you are making amazing progress and are working so hard. You are an example for us all, especially all of the kids at St. Matt's who are watching your journey. Nick and Kat keep you in their prayers each night and are looking forward to seeing you walk in to St. Matt's!!
Ann, I am glad the retail therapy is working for you and Jess! We miss you too!
Kim, Bob, Nick, and Katharine Stephens
Mark or should I say SGT Lalli I am relieved to hear that your therapy is going well. I know that it is a tough road to follow but very rewarding. Keep up the hard work and the positive attitude. Mark was always the one guy that I never had to worry about and I know he will do well at this test also. Keep in contact and I will let all the guy know how you are doing also.
SSG Dawson
Mark's old boss in Iraq
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