They went to the Army Ball on Saturday night and had a ball! They enjoyed themselves very much. They said the food was delicious and they had lots of fun with our new friends and "family" here. Everyone who went, looked absolutely fabulous in their fancy dresses and tuxedos, but more importantly everyone had a great time. 

I noticed changes in Mark after a week away. He gets from the wheelchair to the mat in therapy and is sitting very well. He now has a new physical therapist named Jim, as it was time for Lindsay to rotate out of the Poly Trauma unit. Mark likes him and sometimes a change is good for the progress. The therapists have to rotate around the entire hospital in six month increments and Lindsay had actually been on this rotation for a year. We'll keep you posted on the progress!
You look great and, of course, so does Jess! Keep up the good work!
Ted Neale
Its good to hear from you again Ann and even better with such positive news.
The pics from the ball are just terrific and Mark looks so happy and healthy.
The good looking blonde looks pretty happy too .
Hey Mark,
just a quick note. I sent you an email because I wasnt sure if I could attach pictures in here. You look great. See you soon.
Timmy Reed
Hi Mark.
I could think of no one else that I wanted to wish "Happy 4th of July!" to more than you! I hope you have a great day and that by next year at this time you will see great advances in your therapy and be up and on you own. Thinking of you today!...Pustinator
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