We have had a fun filled, action packed birthday weekend around here. Our best little buddy, AJ, turned ONE on Friday and the party started with the evening nursing shift from Poly Trauma. They prepared food and had a cake and we all participated. . . Moms, dads, wives and patients from 5 North. He was the most delightful birthday boy and everyone had fun watching him open presents and eat cake.
Then yesterday was his next official party given here at the house. It was attended by family, friends, hospital staff, patients and again everyone had a wonderful time. He was delighted with his cake at first, but then decided he really didn't like it as well as he did the night before. 

Today he was baptized at the Catholic Mass here at the hospital and again, lots of Poly Trauma family were there to mark the occasion. He is a very special child to so many people here, not just on our unit, but throughout the Fisher House and the hospital. We appreciate the fact that his mom and dad are willing to share him with so many of us. We all feel very grateful to know and love him and his parents.

Mark has been just moving along leaps and bounds over the last week. He is getting his own clothes every evening, getting himself dressed alone in the morning and transferring alone from the bed to his chair (with someone watching for safety). I am so pleased and proud of all he has accomplished so far and know more will follow.
What a fantastic birthday weekend for everyone!!!You all look so happy.
We too are so proud of all the progress that Mark is making and feel that this next stage of "independent living" will be just what he needs.
From all of us in Oz xx
Hi.....I always love the pictures! Why did they take AJ's cake? That would upset me too! Can't wait to see pictures of the new apartment when you transition Mark! Keep that Lokomat busy! Miss you. Pustinator
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