Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's strange to be back in Tampa again. I arrived last night and we went right to the hospital to see Mark in his new apartment. He is doing so well, it's truly a miracle. He told us immediately that he had "cleaned" and even Swiffered the floor before our arrival! The laundry was clean and (yes, Jess) even folded and put away!!! What a brain injury will do!

We grabbed a couple of burgers on our way to the hospital from the airport and a large shake for Mark, since he had already had dinner. It was a fun way to spend Valentine's Day evening. Today, after church we stocked up on our groceries and then spent the afternoon with my family.

It was also good to be welcomed back by my dear friends here. They were all waiting patiently as we came from the airport. Our favorite little bugger gave me a big smile and (with a little coaching from his mom) said "Hi Mimi!!!" What a surprise that was. He has grown and is now quite the little boy, not a baby. His vocabulary is growing in both English and Spanish which is so great to see.

Well, hopefully, if the internet here cooperates, I will be able to post more than I have lately. We have lots of meeting scheduled and hope to get lots of things ironed out before Rich leaves at the end of the week. Tomorrow is a holiday, so that means we get to have Mark free for an extra day which is good since we lost yesterday to a late flight and travel time.


Irene said...

So good to hear all is going well back at "Camp Tampa".....Jess was very impressed with the folding routine !!
Enjoy your visit and we look forward to hearing how the meetings go .
Hugs to all xx

Anonymous said...

Dear Mrs. Lalli,
I was wondering if you could email me at because I had some questions to ask you.