We are back in Strongsville with Mark for two whole weeks! It's great to have him home. He's been getting himself around the house with his walker, raiding the fridge, and just enjoying himself.
Rich's dad, Pete, arrived this morning from New Jersey for the first time in a number of years. He had not been able to see Mark since he was in Walter Reed due to Rich's mom's illness. He was so happy to see Mark looking so well and getting around so beautifully. Mark decided we needed brownies for their ice cream tonight, so he took on the task himself with some supervision from Grandpa. They are really enjoying themselves.
Peter was amazed at how much progress Mark has made with his walking. He is still having difficulty with his right ankle and we have made arrangements, at the request of his VA doctor, to have Mark get a consultation at the Cleveland Clinic. They would like to do a lengthening of his Achilles tendon to hopefully drop his heel to the ground when he walks. It is currently not striking the ground due to a number of reasons and all the strategies they have tried have not worked. Peter and his friend, Christy, helped arrange a consultation with an orthopedic specialist at the Clinic and then perhaps with a foot and ankle specialist. Keep your fingers crossed that they will come up with some solution. In the meantime, Mark's doctor in Florida is checking into specialists in the Tampa area (not just the VA) who might be able to help. It could set him back about six weeks, but in the scheme of things, that might not be so bad if it helps in the long run and he would be able to walk with just a cane. We will keep everyone posted!