Things have been going well for Mark. His vision has improved with the new glasses and he sees the eye specialist again this week. He has been walking to all his therapies within his building, and there has been improvement the more he does it. He was actually cleared to walk alone from room to room which was a big step (pun intended)!
He has been granted leave to come and visit for a couple of weeks here at home. I will be going to Florida to escort him home. Mark's best friend, PJ, will be commissioned a second lieutenant on May 2nd and has asked Mark to be his "first salute" which is a tradition in an Army commissioning ceremony. Mark was delighted to do it, and we are anxious to attend the ceremony at the University of Dayton.

We've included a photo that was taken at the golf tournament a week ago that was shot by one of the professional photographers and then forwarded on to the VA for the guys. Obviously it shows Tiger Woods and in the background are the VA patients, employees, and military that attended. As you can see, someone we all know and love was right in front in the royal blue shirt. For those of you golf fanatics out there, it was shot on the 9th green I'm told.
Great news. We hope to see Mark when you come home. Keep up the good work and we will continue to pray for him.
Laurie Adornetto
Good snap Mark , we look forward to seeing YOU on the 9th green soon.Keep up the good work xx
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