Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Mark is doing so well that they took his stitches out yesterday morning, much to his relief. They were so itchy. The doctor said that was the sign that they needed to come out. When he unwrapped his foot, sure enough they were loose. Late yesterday afternoon, he had a problem with spasms in the leg which were actually visible to Jess and I. Everyone was worried about the hamstring tightening up again, so today his doctor put him back on an anti-spasmodic drug to help prevent any tightening.

His therapist cleared him this morning to leave the main hospital and return to his little apartment. He can transfer hmself very well using just his good leg and keeping his boo-boo off the floor. He was happy to go back to his own digs. Jess and I were out when his doctor called me to say she was sending him "home" and by the time we got back, he was already there with the help of one of our favorite nursing assistants, Rick.

Jess had her first driving-on-the-USA-side-of-the-road lesson this afternoon and did very well according to the instructor. She was a little nervous, but he had her out in traffic and will eventually take her out in Mark's truck so she can practice driving Big Blue. Look out Tampa, here she comes! I know she will do great once she gets used to the right side of the road.

Well, it's off to get some dinner with the kiddos. Mark's buying so I'm not complaining!

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